Dear Students and Parents,
It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you to Zing Boarding School. ZBS is the fine teaching institue in Lalitpur. Our main objective is to fulfill the education goals of students by proving comprehensive and practical knowledge and counseling to poor students to course their study and discipline with the help of modern technical support. We has shared parents and teachers concerns about quality eduation. We know first hand that paretns of young children are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of early learing and the need to take an active part in their children’s education.
To find out how parents can help young children become happy & successful student. ZBS has conducted a survey to determine what kind of early learning, experience, skills and knowledge are needed to be perfect teachers of children.
This website will help you to know more about the services that we offer you at ZBS and commitment towards our students. I look forward to welcoming you at Zing Board Schoo- Khokana, Laliptur.
Best Wishes
Hari Ram Dangol
© 2019 Zing Secondary School, Khokana, Lalitpur Nepal. All Right Researved | Website By : ArchieSoft Technology